My name is Tarah, and this is my blog for MLIS 7505. Prior to this class, I did not know much about Web 2.0. I had not heard the term very often. I still do not know very much about Web 2.0, but from the readings I have read so far for class, I gather that it is a term to use the new interactive web as opposed to the read only web of the past. I definitely interact with the web A LOT on a day to day basis.
In this class, I hope to learn more about technologies used in libraries, and up and coming technologies that need to be integrated into libraries. I so see some libraries, especially locally, that do not fully utilize technology (especially social media) and I hope to learn in this class how to use technology to help both libraries and library users. I think technology is definitely the future of libraries, and I want to learn all that I can about it. Since we have not gotten very far in the class, I cannot say much about my experiences so far, except I am glad that we will learn to utilize social media (and someone is going to finally make me learn how to use Twitter).
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